Mexican Feather Grass
Arctotis Daisy, African Daisy
Aromas Sage
Black or Honey Sage
Germander Sage
Mexican Feather Grass

Common name:Mexican Feather Grass
Botanical name:Nassella tenuissima

This ornamental grass grows to 2' tall. It goes partially dormant during the summer but green in spring and fall. It prefers a sunny, well drained site. This plant can be invasive in some areas, so use caution. To keep reseeding to a minimum, drip irrigation will be best. Cut back in early spring to remove dormant foliage and dried seed heads. It can also tolerate dry shade. It grows to 10" wide and is the finest textured of the ornamental grasses.

Arctotis Daisy, African Daisy

Common name:Arctotis Daisy, African Daisy
Botanical name:Arctotis hybrids

African Daisy hybrids grow 12"-18" high and 12" wide; they produce daisy-like flowers from spring through summer. These hybrids have lobed leaves and bloom in white, pink, red, purple, cream and orange.

Aromas Sage

Common name:Aromas Sage
Botanical name:Salvia 'Aromas'

The Aromas Sage is a selection that stays more compact than the Cleveland Sage and grows to about 3'-5' high and wide. It has distinctively fragrant, gray green foliage and whorls of violet blue flowers in spring and summer. It can withstand strong winds and is deer resistant. It prefers full sun and well draining soil.

Black or Honey Sage

Common name:Black or Honey Sage
Botanical name:Salvia mellifera

This woody shrub has fragrant, dark green leaves with blue, white, or lilac flowers that bloom in the spring and summer.

Germander Sage

Common name:Germander Sage
Botanical name:Salvia chamaedryoides

Low mounding perennial with long bloom spreads by underground runners. Produces a small, silvery foliage which serves as a background for bright blue flowers. Bruised leaves have spicy fragrance. Native to eastern Mexico 7-9000' in desert habitat Grows to mature size of 2' tall and wide. Heaviest bloom in spring and early fall, intermittent throughout the rest of the season. Full sun, well drained site. No fertilizer. Drought tolerant.

Designer: Gwen Romani


Photographer: GardenSoft

Soils and Compost:

Physical weed control, including mulching, or hand removal protects the watershed from harmful chemicals.

Water Saving Tip:

Water-wise plants can be beautiful as well as practical.

Take your 'My List' Hydrozone Report to a landscape designer, or local nursery, when selecting and purchasing plants.

Integrated Pest Management:

Develop healthy soil for plants that are vigorous and naturally pest-resistant.